Friday, May 26, 2006

Five days! Yay!

Yes it's been five days since my last anxiety attack. I am quite pleased with this. :)

Well it seems we will all be getting together at Steve's on saturday june the third, for my birthday. It will probably be another BBQ. And yes Sarah I will be bringing pickled weiners. :)
Hopefuly we can have a fire this time too. All are invited as usual. (well actualy thats up to steve) And jon this time i will do better than you on guitar hero! I hope :P This time you guys will get to see my game.

Oh yeah the game is still coming along.

Listening to: Helloween, Keeper of the seven keys part one. Varga, prototype. Grip Inc, Power of inner strength. Deep Purple, the battle rages on. Tea Party, Triptych.

Playing: Indigo Prophecy

Reading: Nothing

Watching: Star wars episode III

Eating: Quiche and beef dinner and hopefuly pizza.

Well thats it for now. Keep it real.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Birthday Anouncement!!!

My birthday is coming up soon. June the third. It falls on a saturday this year. So thats when I'll be having the party. Steve, I was thinking if it's cool with you we could have another BBQ at your place for the ocasion. Since the last one was such a success. And this time we could have a fire. That would be cool. it's a week from saturday so there's lots of time to decide.

In other news i see my doctor tomorow morning. So i will see what he has to say about the new meds. Also I have been making more progress on the game. I'm on to the spell system, and then finaly the bells and whistles. I can finaly see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Well not much to say right now, so I'll catch you all on the flip side.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What a weekend!

OK. I've gotta start off by saying that this May 24th weekend was awesome. The highlight of it all was the BBQ at Steve's place Sunday night. We cooked on Steve's new BBQ, which is awesome. Jon brought along a mean pot of chili. It was really good. There was a good crowd there. There was a lot chatting, which was fun. At some point we played guitar hero. Big Daddy J whooped my ass at the song Ace of Spades. There was much booze and elicit substances to go around. A fun time was had by all.

The shift over in my medication is going well. The anxiety attacks are getting much better. I see my doctor about it on Friday.

Well, work on my game is again on the move. Today I started reworking the combat message system. And hopefuly tonite I will work on the flavour text.

I am watching: Star Wars Episode 3
I am reading: VB Game Programming for teens
I am listening to: Tea Party - Alhambra, and Helloween - Better than raw
I am Playing: Master of Orion II

Well thats how it's going. So long for now.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Still fighting the good fight!

Well here I am again. It seems I don't post here that often. Maybe it's cause i usualy have little to say. There's little going on in my life lately...

Well as for the anxiety attacks, they seem to be on a precise schedule. Every four days now I have one. Cutting out one of meds (as I mentioned in my previous post) seems to be helping but the problem is still here. Oh well... So my doctor said we would try changing my other med to an older med that i used to be on since i never had attacks with that med. So I'm seeing my doctor now on a weekly basis while the change over takes place. He seems sure that this should do the trick. I remain optimistic. If all goes well in a month or two I can start applying for work again. Also I am gaining more controll over the anxiety attacks, so allready I'm getting command over my life back. I am very happy about this.

Well I guess i should talk about my game again. I haven't gotten much programming done on this lately. I've been busy playing Master of Orion II lately, so that takes up a lot of my time. I do have a new demo for the game out at . So feel free to have to have a look. Info is on the current projects page and the demo is on the downloads page of course.

Well thats it for me for now. Over and out.