Tuesday, October 02, 2007

If at first you don't succed... ah screw it!

Ok well here we are once again folks. Some big news this time. Some if it most of you already know about.

Well first of all, me and Tracy rae now engaged, officially over two weeks. Already planning the wedding. Looks like it will be july the 11th next year, or at least that's what we're aiming for. Ok to anounce things, we have decided on who is in the wedding party. Tracy has her half picked out. For my half it's as follows: Best man: Steve, Groomsmen: Russ, and Kevin. I would've liked to have more but we're trying to keep it small. So I've already asked steve and he said he would be my best man. As for russ and kevin i would like you guys to be my groomsmen. Will get a hold of you two soon to disscuss it. As for flower girl we're thinking Abby right now waiting on the final word from steve on that one, and as for ring bearer right now we're thinking my nephew grayson. That remains to be seen too though. Oh and Chuck, we disscussed it and we would like you to be MC if you're up for it. As for who's doing everything else at this point i'm not sure yet.

Ok now that thats done with, i'd like to make another huge anouncement. Me and Tracy have been viewing apartments, and have decided we're goin to take one right now. So we're moving in together soon. Hopefully shoud have a job soon so things won't be too much of a problem financially that way. And the apartment aloows pets and smoking, so we're all set. Will keep you all posted on things so wish us luck.

Well that's really all i have to say right now. Chat to you all soon.

Monday, August 20, 2007

To sleep perchance to.... bah humbug!!!!

Well here I am again. Been a while... Not like anyone uses or reads these things anymore.

Well it's been about a year and half since I've been posting here. And in retrospect the whole time has been one hell of ride. Complete with its share of ups and downs. But like somone once said "it's not the destination that's important, but the journey to get there" (or something like that, can't really remember how it goes) And it has been quite a journey, one that i have been prowd to take with all of you (everyone important in my life) and one that we will share for a long time, "from here to eternity. " Only part of the way there yet.

Well speeking of journey's i think i've reached a point in mine where i need to really slow down and ocasionaly stop to "smell the roses" enjoy life of course. But sometimes like all things that is easier said than done.

Ok thats enough speeking metaphorically. it's a real turning point in my life right now. And it has been for about a year and a half ago, when i realized that i could overcome things that i believed to be out of my power. but for what ever reason there is always another hurdle in my way. And who knows maybe sometimes i put obstacles in my own way. But i want you all to know that I am much more confident of myself and where i am heading in life. You all have your own problems and need not worry about anything else. I need to start doing the same, but people need not worry about me, i am quite capable of looking after myself. This might be hard to believe. But after everything i have acomplished and overcome in the last 8 years i now realize that i do indeed have the strength to live my life. To live it the way i feel best. Making people understand this though is very dificult at the moment. People are just that 'people' and they do worry. But i am tired of not worying about myself. No offense to anyone. I do really care about those around me, but i am tired of feeling like i'm carying the world on my shoulders." And more recently i am tired of the world shouldering me. Don't get me wrong i still really need the people who are dear and near to me. I know I am not alone in this sentiment, i guess most people go through this at much earlier times in thier lives than i have. This is when i need friends, family, and the one dearest to me the most, but please have faith in me, I have had emense faith in all of you over the years, even when it may not have seemed that way. I just need time to mend, to heal, so please just be yourselves, don't let the problems of others overwhelm you. Time is too precious a thing to waste on doubt and worry. If you don't know what to believe then at least believe in yourself, and those who care about you. This we all need to do. I know i probably sound too preachy right now, but i guess i need to hear myself say this, as much as anyone else needs to hear it. And I do believe in myself, and all of you. So forget about reading this if you have to or pretend i didn't even say if need be. But i guess this blog is probably more important to me than anyone else, as i look back on it, it reminds me.. reminds of where i have come from, and where i hope to one day be.

Well ok i guess i have to stop writing now. And don't worry about me guy's i'm doing just fine. Be talking to you all soon.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Long live the fighters!

Here we are again.

All is going well right now. Tracy just started a new job yesterday, and I applied for a job at the Salvation Army Thrift Store. It's only part time but it will be good experience. I've also got another place or two i will apply at as well. The employment program is coming along well and I am making good progress with it so far.

The summer has been good so far, aside from some crappy weather. Really enjoying things, and having fun being on the go a fair bit.

Things are going awesome with me and Tracy right now. Hard to believe it will be a year together now by the end of August. Looking forward to awesome times together in the coming months. Alot of stuf on the go. Can't say what the next while holds for us in terms of living arangements and stuf, but we'd like to have our own place some time this fall. Will see how that all goes. Would like to have a full time job first. Also there are other posibilities that we'll have to see about, but thats it.

I am getting into a new project soon. A computer rpg game, styled after the old Dungeon Master games, and D&D games like Eye of the Beholder. Would like to make the game system as original as posible. Still thinking up a storry and premise. Just in the early preplanning stage right now. Will keep you all up on this one.

So with this news I let you know now that I have disbanded Electric Gremlin Ideas, and will start a new label for my game programming. Will of course be doing a brand new site and all. Hoping it goes well.

Well not much else to report right now. Will talking with you all again soon. Later.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Stranger than fiction

Howdy people. Here I am again.

Had my next apointment with the employment centre today since i had my "real" intake assesment. Finally learned all about the program today and now have the whole picture on the deal now. And I've got to say it sounds really awesome! I'm extremely impressed. While its called an employment program, what it really is, is a career developement program. The aim is not nesasarily to get me into a job in my field right away but to get me what ever experience i can use to gradualy get me closer to my career goals. Eventually i may even end up with in field related work. The program is layered in a gradual step by step process that will inch me closer to my true goals. Man who knows? in a year i could be selling computers, and in a year after that I could be fixin 'em and stuf. That would be awesome! Well it might not be that quick, but we'll see. I'm hoping to be far enough in the program by the end of the summer to start applying for work which means it will coincide with when all the college students go back to school. I'm excited but trying to stay grounded as well. So we will have to see how it goes.

Me and Tracy are doing awesome right now. Things seem to be moving along well with us right now.

I hope you guys are all doing awesome too. Talk with you all soon.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Let it go Indiana...

Howdy people. Just thought i'd post again today as the last post left out some details that i didn't bring up since i wasn't able to focus on the last post.

Well today Tracy had an interview for a recepsionist job, and it looks verry positive. The details all sound good. As for myself i am hopeful that the employment center will be processing my case soon. There are some extra details about the program that i left out last time. There will be ceminars as well as one on one counselling for resume writing and interview preperation. Also they will speak on my belhalf with employers about making special acomidations where i do have bipolar and anxiety and made need extra considerations, such as optional extra breaktime and specific shift imes, like no over-night shifts. Am really looking forward to getting on the go with the program. Hopefuly i will get something in my field. Who knows... Well here's hoping.

Am starting to make plans for the near future. Me and tracy are thinking about getting a place together probably in the early fall or whenever we can afford to. I'd like to have a job by then and would say that shouldn't be a problem. It will all take a little while to get ironed out anyway.

PS: Just got my apointment for my OT assessment over the phone for next thursday.

Well thats how things have been so i will with you all soon. Will keep you posted here.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Dingo viagra monkey quank

Well it's been a little while, so here's whats been going on.

We had my b-day party on saturday this past weekend. It was a blast. Jon M made his famous chili again. It was awesome. Got some cool gifts from the b'ys. Steve gave me the FF12 strategy guide and a copy of Ghosts N' Ghouls for the NES. Another great gem to add to my collection. Also the guide for ff12 will come in quite handy. What a beuatiful book. Also Chuck gave me a copy of The Darwin Awards, and an IQ puzzle book. The puzzles i will never figure out, but who knows. Thanks guys, real cool gifts! The evening was awesome. Everyone was there at some point in the evening. It was cool chating with everyone again. Me and Tracy had a great time. Thanks Steve for being the host again. I apreciate it greatly. Now that Kevin's home hopefully well all get together again real soon.

Hoping to start writing on the novel again soon, as I have finally decided to actually produce a full featured version of the Beyond Braxis as a video computer game. Will need to the story to write the plot for the game. Also having the storry in novel form as well as a solid working tech demo of the game, will help sell the game to a decent publisher / distributor. The version of the game i will be doing will be a sprite based game. However if i am able to sell the game then i would liketo do it in 3-d.

Today I had an apointment with the employment center again, and oficialy had my intake assessment. I will be hearing back from them soon to set up my OT assessment and should be starting the program soon. Looking forward to getting a decent job soon.

Well time to go. Will keep you guys up on things.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

One foot in front of the other

Howdy folks. Things have been going much better lately.

Well I did something today that i have not done in several years. And that is drawing. Gonna do it again tomorow sometime. One of the anime wallpapers i had for doing full sized posters, I drew part of it as practice. The first atempt was crap, so i started over, made it bigger to show more detail. It turned out pretty good actualy. Looking forward to doing more. :) As for the novel and the paper game i will have to get to them again soon too.

Still doing some tweeking on the computer. Downloading music, and ebooks currently. I should an 80 gig sata hard drive by the second week of july. Looking forward to that. Can't wait for that, since i will be able to do some serious downloadding then. I am really impressed with the excelent performance of the revamped machine. I diggin' it.

Still waiting for the student loan thing to get straightened out. Should be hearing from the employment center soon. Also waiting for the school to send me my next shipment. Still got one lesson left on the current shipment. Maintaining an A average.

Well saturday is the party. See you all there at Steve's. Chow.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

If you're reading this title you better leave a reply!!!!

Ok people Here we are again. It's been months since anyone has left a reply here, so I'd like to hear from you guys...

So recently I bought some new parts to upgrade my computer, out of my bday money. Friday i put it all together and she wouldn't work. So monday i find out it's the ram giving me a problem. So i return it and yesterday i put it back together again. Though it took me all day to get it straightend out and put windows back on it. But all is going well with the frankenstien I've created.

My birthday weekend went well. Me and Tracy went to dinner on saturday. We went to jungle jim's and it was awesome. We ordered the kitchen sink between us and we got our drinks for free because of the wait. We got out sunday to see steve and the b'ys.

Monday i was over to steve's for a barbacue and was fed much. It was a blast. Looking forward to the birthday party on saturday. Cna't wait! See you all there!

Well just a short one today, since i didn't go on a rant this time. Later all.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hate me today... Hate me tomorow...

Howdy there people. How's it going?

Things have not been the greatest for me lately. I am really frustrated with everything lately. Just getting pissed off at every little thing going on right now. I wouldn't mind but I just reached a point before all this where i feel really good about everything, and the little things don't bug me anymore, and i understand the world around me a lot better now. I mean where it's taken me over eight months to reach this point it disapoints me to see all this frustration in my life right now where I feel all this recent progress is just going straight out the window...

There are a lot of things going on in my life right now that just are plain driving me insane... I just feel a little overwhelmed right now... I just don't know what to do about it all. I mean I'm pissed about alot of things and i don't really know what to do about it all. Yeah i know I'm repeating myself. But thats the way things are right now...

One thing right now is this: The student loan people are driving me nuts.... back in march I applied for interest relief. The bank kept calling me wondering if i applied for interest relief. I kept telling them that i had already applied and they said they had not heard from the student loan people yet... So a few weeks back i get a nasty letter from the student loan service centre and they said i was four months into arears. I called them and they said it hadn't gone through yet because the bank wouldn't give them complete information... So last week the bank calls again and they say they have not recieved any word from the student loan people at all. So i explain to them and neither side know what the other is doing... So it looks like i will have to file a new application because the current one is probably expired... Bone heads... I wouldn't mind but i only have 4 months of relief left including back dated months which haven't even been back dated yet. So they threaten to screw up my credit report if I do not fix it some how, but it's their fault... So last friday i call to get financing from Dell Canada on a new X box 360 bundle and because of the student loan issues i can't get aproved credit. SO thats one thing...

And then there's the employment center people... I called last Monday over a week ago now and they still have not tracked down an ocupational therapist in order to do my OT assessment which i need for them to move forward with my case... All they can tell me is that the hold up is with eastern health care, and that they contract out to them so they are at their mercy as it seems so am I. Frustrating i know but nothing i can do about it right now. Just have to be patient. Well my patience are running out.. With everything...

Well thats the way thing s have been lately... I should be happier with my birthday being sunday. As for the party i will keep you informed on that when plans are made.

So long for now.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

20 20 24 hours to go... I wanna be sedated...

Well here we are people. Another day, another entry.

Some stuf has happened even before my last entry here, as well as some stuf that's happened since, so I'd like to talk about now.

Monday night some pretty extrodanary things happened. I won't get into too many details but suficed to say, it has made a huge impact on me and the way i see world, as well as how I now deal with things. It's just starting to sink in today. Monday night i had a few things weighing heavy on my mind, so I talked to Tracy about it and when she spoke to me things didn't seem so bad. When all was said and done, things sudenly seemed to make alot more sense. I wasn't afraid of anything anymore. You could say that it all put things into perspective for me. It was something I will never foreget. Things don't seem nearly as hard to deal with anymore. Already I am more at ease with everything and i don't get as stressed about the little things anmore. Even the bigger things seem more easy to deal with now. Thankyou Tracy sweetheart. I love you. See, even that wasn't so hard. Just kidding around, but i do mean that from the bottom of my heart.

Yesterday was stressful. I found out that the student loan people are a bunch directionless fools, as it seems that my current application for interest relief is about to lapse because of some error on thier behalf. So i will probably have to reapply. Oh well. Either way I'll still be covered up to august. So it's not all bad, just a bit of a headache I shouldn't have to deal with. Then later yesterday i ahd wait in the doctor's office for over an hour and a half for my apointment. Oh well it wasn't all bad since i got to spend evening at her place after an arguement with mom about spending one whole extra day last weekend with Tracy. Hell i thought that was why it's called a long weekend... Oh well all is good now though.

Oh and just to remind you guys my birthday is June 3rd if you want to wish me a happy birthday then. The following saturday on the 8th i should be having my party so there you go. Let me know what your plans are for then in case i need to rearange things ahead of time.

Thats it for now. Later people.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Wouldn't you be my neighbor...

Well here we are people. Another May 24th weekend come and gone. A good one too.

I spent the weekend with Tracy out around the bay with her friends. Had a lot of fun too. Went to her friend's place in Killbride friday nite for a house warming party. Did a bit of boozing then. Got a little boozed the next nite around the bay. Sunday me and tracy went for a walk down the walking trails. The me and her frined's husband went out fishing. Never caught anything myself, but they caught 5 small trout. Was a bit of fun. Took it easy monday, and went into her fathers place to see her pets and that. Headed home later that afternoon. All and all it was a fun time.

Just curious though to see what everyone was up to for the weekend. Would love to know what you guys have all been up to.

Oh yeah i almost forgot but my birthday is coming up soon. June the 3rd. Would like to organize something probably the following weekend. So let me know what you guys are doing on the weekend of June 8th.

Well not much else to say right now. So I will see you all around.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Life imitates fiction...

Howdy people. How's it going?

Things have been fine with me lately. Finaly got my resume emailed to the chick from the employment program. A minute or two after i emailed her, she sent me a reply saying was setting me up with an OT assessment for next week and said she would call me later this week to let me know about it. So hopefully once that is done i should start getting some reall help from them. Will keep guys up on that.

Well friday i finally picked out the colors for my room. Got the paint today. Going two tone again. The colors i picked were naples bay which a shade of turqouise and also a shade of blue called grecian blue. I'm planning on doing a distorted vertical wave patern on two of the walls which now also have paterns. And on each of the other walls will one of each of the colors. should be nice when it's done. Also down the road i will be adding some shelving, repainting the molding and base boards, as well as adding some ceiling moulding. Looking forwawrd tyo seeing the final product when it's all done.

In the next little while i will be getting back into some hobbys of mine. Will be starting over on my novel. Keep having some great ideas, so hopefully i get to the production notes soon to get all those wonderful ideas down. Also i would like to get back to drawing again. I would like to do some prototype drawings for what i would like to become full sized posters. So when i get some drawings i really like i will scale them up on some poster board and then paint them. Should be cool.

As for how everything else is going... Well it's not all bad i guess. Just working some things out in my head i guess.

Well thats it folks. Will talking at you soon.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Welcome to the black parade...

When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city, to see a marching band. He said "son when you grow up, would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned?" "would defeat them? your demons and all the nonbelievers, the plans that they have made?" "because one day I'll leave you a phantom to lead you in the summer, to join the black parade"

Ok well that was lericks to one of my favorite new songs. It's called welcome to the black parade as the post title says. The band is called my chemical romance. A really cool song. As you can probably tell it has special meaning for me. I guess the obvious thing here is that it reminds me of my own father. I remember my father taking me to various military parades. And i always remember him being sentimental at those times. I imagine that at those times he would think about me being all grown up and thinking about the choices and obstacles that i would have to face. But really it makes me think about the time that i actualy spent growing up, and the choices and obtacles i actualy did face. Like the boy in the song i realize that i did indeed have my share of demons and nonbelievers to face and overcome. And to be honest i'm still doing it... But you know what? That song actualy helps me put it all into perspective. So there you go...

Well i wrote my fifth exam for correspondence school tonite. Man it was by far the most savage exam i had to write yet. I was a little disapointed cause i only got 80% this time. There were some killer questions on it. However the questions that took me 10 to 40 minutes to answer i got all right. The ones that seemed straight forward were the ones i screwed up on. But just the same 80% is the worst mark i expected to get so it wasn't all that bad. I know... You're thinking why am i fretting over 80%. I'll tell you why, becase the pass grade is 70% so while it is still a B grade there is no D grade. So the worst grade i could get is a C. So one grade less and I'm getting C's. SO now you understand. At least i hope so. But at least I'm still maintaining an A average. Marks so far are as follows: 3 - 100%s, 1 - 90%, 1 - 80%. So thats not too bad. I'm hoping to get 95% or 100% next time. So there you go...

Well in other news Tracy started her work term monday, and all is going well so far. And also she passed all of her courses. And as it turns out her work term may turn into a permanant postion later. So here's hoping.

As for myself I'm waiting to hear back from the employment center to find out what the next step is for me. Will keep you all informed on this as time goes by.

Really looking forward to these next few months. So keep checking here for any news. Will be talking to you all soon.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Your stock is rising Number Two

Well ok i got some good news today. I went out to that place i was talking about a coulpe of posts ago. That employment program for people with certain empediments. And as it turns out I'm eligable for the program :) So i'm really happy about it. They are going to help me prepare well for interviews and make me more successfull at finding work. They offer a complete support system for finding work in my field. They will contact any employers i am applying with and see if they can help in that way. They will also look for work for me in my field and set up interviews. And here's the best part, they will sometimes offer employers wage subsidies to make me more marketable as a prospective employee. So hopefully this will really work out for me. They get me all set up next week. And they're going to rewrite my resume for me. So when i get my next apointment set up i will find out all the details then. Wish me luck people.

Till next time guys.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Give me a break lady!

Well last night i got this really cool version of windows. Windows xp crystal edition 2007. Got it installed today after a great struggle to figure out how to. But it was wirth the fight i must say. :) It is awesome!!! It's faster operating than xp, inernet and download speed are faster. It seems like it's more stable. As far as i can tell it's a windows mod done by the linux people. Very nice looking. Came with some really cool software. Has some neat little features like rain meter which is a transparent hud type display that shows resource usage and sytem clock and stuf, and it can be toggled on and off. It comes with internet explorer 7. Has some real cool themes which change the look of absolutely everything in windows. I'm impressed, i gotta say. I would say it will the only windows i will be using for a while.

Just wanted to let you guys know about that. Well thats it for now. Later.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Save my kittens!!

Well there was a few things i forgot to say last time. So here we go...

Well a while ago i started thinking... I was watching this show on TLC called Miami Ink and saw all the cool tattoos they were doing. I got to thinking it wouldn't be such a bad idea to have a tattoo of my own. I know it's kinda odd for me to say that since i was always aposed to getting one. But what the hell since everyones getting it done these day. I more or less know what i want done too. Here's the basic design. The main part is gonna be simple yin yang simple done in red and blue instead of black and white. And below it also in red and blue is gonna the chinese characters for the word balance. Did a rough mock up of it last nite. I think it will be prety cool.

Oh yeah i got a call from someone in that find work program and she told me my apointment for today would have to postponed till thursday 2 pm. So i'm charged up about that. I got a good feeling about this because it will be close to end of the week which is usualy when i get all of my good news. Looking forward to see how that goes.

And as you all might expect things with me and tracy are going really well. She may have a chance at a decent job when she finishes her work term, and if this proam works out for me i might have a decent job soon too. That would be awesome. She's looking forward to getting out on her own again so she have her pets in here with her. Meaning she'll be able to get own place. But that doesn't mean i'll nessassarily be moving out with her right away. I've still got alot of stuf to get before that. I want to be totally prepared when that day comes. But just the same some thought has been given to our future together so we shall see were it is all heading in the coming months. There has been some matter of fact mentioning of certain things lately but rest assured i don't intend in rushing into anything too soon. I know thats all well and fine for a guy who proposed to his girl friend after only dating for a little over three weeks. Yeah i'm nut bar i know... :P Well you guys will be the first to know if there are any devleopments in this area down the road.

About a week or so ago i started rewriting the rules for the Beyond Braxis paper and pencil rpg. I allready have a page and a half of dice rules and thats just for basic skill checks... Some additions and changes will made to this system in order to design the combat dice rules. Other dice rules have to be done as well. I'm hoping to have up to ten pages or more for the dice rules altogether. And then i can get back to writing all the cool stuf again like the race desriptions and stuf. Really looking forward to this. Also this means i will soon be starting the rewriting of the Beyond Braxis novel as well. It's a drag i have to start this all from scratch since the last time i did a format on my computer i forgot to backup all of doccuments and lost all that stuf. So there you go... I will keep you guys up on my prgress on this stuf as i get through it.

Well I guess thats all i can say here... I should do a proper update to my other blog... Games and movies and all that. Oh yeah Spike say HI! to everyone. The little fart is doing well and all that.

So that is it for me and i will catch you all on the flip side. Later.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The hook brings you back... On that you can rely...

Ok folks here we are again. I guess there's some new stuf to relay here lately.

Well friday night i decided to do something special, so that day i picked up roses for Tracy. That night when i went out to her place i gave them to her. She was surprised :) She told me it would be nice to get flowers, but since the weekend before wouldn't of been a surprise and she was expecting them later than sooner i thought i would get them this weekend past. And so i did! She was happy and it was nice to see how excited she was :)

Well the last time i was out to see my doctor he told me about this employment program that might help me out. I have an apointment to see someone tomorow at 10 am to check my eligibility, and see what they can do for me. Well i'll find out then and if it don't work I'll keep diggin...

Oh yeah that reminds me, Tracy had another interview last week for a work term and she got it. It looks like it may be a permanant position afterwards too. That would be cool. If the two of us get jobs soon things will really be looking up and then who knows...

For anyone who's been checkin' the other blog, you'd know that i've gotten Final Fantasy 12 last week. Lovin' it!

Ok well next there's my electronics course i'm doing through correspondence. I wrote my third exam a couple of weeks ago and got 90% on it which wasn't bad. But alas it's not 100... Well i was waiting for a little while to get my next school shipment and it showed up friday. So i'm happy about that. So i got a bunch of new gear and a new study guide. I wrote my fourth exam tonite and got 100% this time. I'm happy that I'm back to getting perfect scores :) Will let you guy's know how things are progressing with the course as it goes along.

Ok well Spike is doing very well. Hoping to renovate / repair his cage again in the next while.

Well if anything new happens I'll let guys know about it here. Later for now...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Death to the philistine!!!

Ok well, here we are me spike. Sitting down together me and Spiketo do a blog post. First off Spike would to say a few words: ivciiiiiiiiiii ,5fvyyj uiutt nmjfmuru4 So there you have it folks the everyday thoughts of an avreage Guinea Pig :P

But seriously folks... My next school shipment shipped on friday so that should mean i will it in about two weeks. Not confident on the US postal system through which it is shiped. Oh well. I am all ready to write my third exam and have scored 100% on the first two. Will keep you guys updated on that one. Also will be studying A+ in the mean time while waiting for the next shipment.

Damnit Spike! stop squirming while I write this post....

Ok so a few things i tried to say in the second last post but got lost in the atempt. Construction on spikes cage continues and seems to undergo one renovation after another one. Just a little bit more work and the current phase will be complete. Also considering getting another guinea down the road, but that may be more of a headache than it's worth...

Found out about a program for mental health patients that places them in jobs with a couple of company. Talked with my doctor about that today. Apparently the program is clossing down. However he did give me the number of another program that places patients in the comunity in aplicable jobs. So heres hoping that works out.

Well it was an interesting easter weekend. Just another first special ocasion spent as part of a couple. Picked the kids up on thursday. They all loved the guinea pig, especialy Grayson. That night when i got back i had to meet tracy at tol's time out lounge for kareokee and dancing. It was an interesting night. As for the rest not much to say...
Well thats the way it's been... I leave you with some pics of Tracy's pets.

Colby the dog


And Socks

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Ok... so heres what happened...

My last post was titled the way it was because Blogger ate my first two trys and the first one was a whopper. so all i wanted to do in the end was post the pics of Spike... So there ya go steve.. and btw i can't post replys on blogger for some strange reason. and original posts are kinda screwed up too...

O well... later people.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Monday, March 26, 2007

Wish I knew how to say "Sh!t" in ten diferent languages...

Well here we are once again making a new post to my wonderfull little corner of the web...

I am now about three and a half weeks into the nicotine patch thing. Am now on the step two patch and hope to be on the step three patch by friday. All is going well with that and I have not had any bad cravings. I am totally over physical habbit part of it. Which means all i need to do now is cut out the nicotine all together. Kicking ther physical habbit is the hardest part. Once thats done all there is left to do is deal with physilogical part of it.

Well Spike is still doing well. Am getting him a few new things on friday like a new bowl and carier. Not sure if I will expand his cage any time soon. Also been thinking about getting a second guinea pig. Have to research it more and really think about it first.

All has not been perfect in the last few weeks but things may be looking up soon. Will keep you all informed as time passes.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Not enough golds!

Well people it's been two and a hlaf weeks since i started the patch. I'm still on the step one patch and this friday i start the step two patch. Already saving a lot of money and enjoying the extra cash.

Spike is doing well and is enjoying his new cage i built for him on friday. Went to bugden signs and bought a 4'x8' sheet of corogated plastic to make the base of the cage out of. Got a 13 pack of storage cube squares from walmart. Also had some leftover lumber in the basement. Put it all together to make phase one of Spike's new cage. Next payday i get another 13 pack of squares and some toys to add to it to make phase two of the cage. Looking forward to it. Well i won't be getting him a exercise wheel or ball or a harness. They can be harmfull to guineapigs. Am building him a travel case soon out of the leftover corogated plastic i have. Then i can take him out visiting! Oh joy!

Been working on my electronics course again and am hoping to have another lesson done by the end of the week.

Things are going well with me and the lady. As you can all probably tell by my lack of presence as of late. But i'm not complaining.

Well thats it for now. Will probably update other blog soon.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Come on lady hold my hand... Take me to your shadow land...

Well people here i am on a somewhat warm thursday night. Things right now are going pretty good.

Spike is doing well and is getting very acustomed to his new environment and routine. I bath him and clean his cage twice a week. I pretty much have his diet straightened out. I now pick him up for a little bit once a day. I read that the more physical contact they have the more at ease they will be when you handle them. I notice vast improvements in his comfort level and temperment every day now. I am very pleased with his progress. Caring for him and having him around is very rewarding. Hopefully i will have him for a long time to come.

Well last week my first shipment from correspondence school arived and i have already completed my first online test and recieved a score of 100%. Looking forward to working on the course over the next while.

Had yet another interview the other day with WalMart. Was for a different position this time. I think I blew this one. Oh well who knows... Just happy that I have plenty to do in the next while.

Well tomorow i get the materials for spikes new cage. I will be able to afford enough materials to build "phase 1" of spike's new cage. Looking forward to having him in his new home soon.

Well thats whats new. Be talking to you guys again soon.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

To boldy go where no guinea pig has gone before...

Ok so it's been almost a week since i had my new guinea pig. Me and Tracy named him after. We're calling him Spike for the way his hair sticks up in the front. Tomorow is his first cage cleaning and bath. So we will see how that goes. he's getting rather acustomed to me at this point. He snifs me, takes food out of my hand and nibbles on my fingers, but still won't let me pet him. Oh well all in good time I guess.

In related news i have already decided to build him a bigger cage. I will be building a fairly large cage that will give him much more room to exercise and enjoy everything in his cage. Will be building the cage out of steel mesh squares (normally used for storage units) and the base will be constructed of some kind of plastic or rubber material (probably coroplast) and will all be suported on a wooden table built of the cheepest materials i can find but still of course be plenty sturdy. I'd like to have several levels to the cage and in addition to the plastic house he has and the wooden climbing toy he has, I'd like to add an exercise wheel as well as a real bed. As for other "out of the cage accessories", i need to get some shampoo, a travel case and harness, and a plastic exercise ball for roaming around in.

Ok. So my study materials for the electronics course i signed up for came in yesterday. So i am quite plaesed :) Started studying yesterday and did my first online exam today. Got 100% So i am pleased so far. Seems like the course is ten times better then the course i started but never finished with ICS years ago. So I am looking forward to getting somewhere with the course. Should be fun. Get to build cool stuf like a sound amplifier and all that craziness.

Ok so the quiting smoking thing is going well so far. I am currently on day six of using the patch, and haven't had any seriously bad cravings yet. Already saving lots of money and looking forward to saving even more when i'm off of the patch all together.

Lots of stuf on my wish list right now. On the top of that is parts and components for building a proper cage for Spike and of course more toys for him. Then i guess would be the buying of parts to upgrade my computer, and after that would be an XBox 360, and what ever i feel like after that.

So as for everything else, all is going well. Me and Tracy are getting along better than ever i like to think. She's planning something special soon, so that should be interesting :P Job search has come to a screeching halt as neither of my interviews panned out and i haven't heard from anyone else since. Not worried about it since i have well more than enough to keep me busy right now.

Well thats how things have been. Chat with you all soon.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

What would you name a multicolored guinea pig?

Ok so you're wondering what the title is all about?

I'll tell you...

Tonite i went out to pet city in the village. Last nite i decided i wanted a fish tank with little fishies... Then today i discovered that getting what i wanted would be too expensive. So then i decide newts would be really cool since they were alot cheeper to keep. Then i looked through three stores and i found a big nothing in the way of newts or salamanders. So once i got to pet city and realized i might not get anything... Then i started pricing up the hamsters and guinea pigs. The guinea pigs wern't that expensive starter kit and all. So the next step was to get on the pay phone and convince mom to let me take one home. So much coaxing and convincing later she agreed to let me have the little critter. So after a long 31 years i finally have an actual pet of my own. Haven't named him yet. Have a few ideas though. Will let you guys know when i have chosen a proper name for the little guy. I am very happy :) Looking forward to having him hopefully for a long time to come.

Well i'm rather nervous tonite just the same. Been trying to get a hold of tracy since 7:00 and haven't gotten an answer since... Oh well... I just hope she's allright.

Oh yeah... Have some more news. I'm planning on quiting smoking. Picked up some nicotine patches. So hopefully that will work out for me. Will keep you guys posted on that.

Nothing else to report right now. So i will chat with you people later.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

There goes the world...

Really pissed off with computers right now... I did my third install of windows today because every time i go to install the damn thing it keeps me from getting into certain things like this site. Got it working the first time and couldn't find out why I got it working the first time. Then i did a windows update and it started to fuck up again. So two more installs and turns out it wouldn't let me do certain things untill i downloaded a third party peice of software. In fact the computer was very insistant that i download this software... So once i did it was fine. I want to take this hunk of junk on my desk and fire it through the wall. I really do...

Ok well in other news, I got through my first valentines day as part of a couple yesterday. Went out to Tracy's for a bit went for coffee and exchanged cards. Won't be really celebrating it till friday when i get paid. Got dinner reservations made at a nice place. Maybe even go somewhere afterwards. We will see how it all goes then.

Last weekend was fine. As usual spent the weekend at Tracy's. Went shopping with her and her mother. Her mother treated us all to dinner out at the Emerald Palace. And later that night i got sick. But it wasn't the food. It was the stomach flu like i said in an earlier post. Guess it's been going around lately.

So hopefully now tonight i will start rebuilding my book notes and game rules tonight. Will keep you all updated on that.

Well thats all for me for now. If there's any new news I'll let you all know.

Monday, February 12, 2007


Man I'm pissed... I reinstalled windows today. And before I formated i forgot to backup all my personal files. So that means my book all related notes and my game rules are all gone!!! No backups, no hard coppies!! Doh!!! I'm so stupid!!!

Will post again when i decide what to do...

I don't remember eating corn...

Well people I had the stomach flu over the weekend. Got sick late Saturday night. It was not good at all. Spent the last day recovering. Tracy looked after me so it's all good now.

Havn't really seen much of anyone lately. Saw Jon, Kate and thier little one saturday at the mall. The baby is adorable :)

Wednsday now I guess me and Tracy will exchange valentines day cards. Friday we're going out for dinner and all that. Should be fun. Looking forward to it.

Hmmm... Been wondering about something lately... May have some big news soon. Don't want to say till I know for sure though.

Not much to say this time... Talk to you all soon.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Someone got themselves a letter in the mail the other day...

Well here I am on a stormy Friday evening writing a blog entry with my new keyboard. I was looking forward to getting out of the house tonight but with the way the weather is already thats not 100% certain. Waiting to hear from Tracy too... Called a while ago but she still wasn't back yet. Oh well...

Well it's been a slow week i guess... Got a little work done on the book again. Even though I only got 2 and a half pages in the word processor, it actualy translates into 7 novel sized pages. So my guess is it will be a somewhat lengthy book. At least in novel terms. As it is i got enough ideas right now to fill upto the first 70 pages, standard size. my guess is that will be about 200 novel pages. Wow... Going to keep at it so when the first couple of chpters or so are done i will let people look at it. that won't be for a long time yet though.

Ok well nothing else to say... Guess i should wiat long enough till enough stuf happens to actually post about before I post again. Later people.

Monday, January 22, 2007

You were never one for waiting...

Well here we are nearing the end of the first month of the new year. I guess it's not really a new year anymore is it?

Well people i guess i don't have to remind any of you that February 14 is Valentines day. For the first time in my life I can say I have plans for valentines day. Yay! Well this will be the third dinner me and Tracy have gone out to.

Well moving on I have some more notes done for my book. Hoping to get some more work done that tonite. Thinking of doing a few small edits to what i have so far inculding deletions and rearangements. Still have to settle on some of the major details of the story. After all i want it all to make sense.

Well tomorow it looks like i will be sending in my registration forms for PCDI (correspondence school). I'm looking forward to doing the electronics specialist course with them. It seems to be more hands on then courses offered by competetors and it's cheaper. Really looking forward to getting another piece of paper to hang on my bedroom wall. And maybe it will help me find a job.

Speaking of which i will be starting my job search this week. Hoping to get a job in computer sales which will lead to a technician job.

Well not much to report this time sadly. Chat with you all soon.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

When we unite we're falling higher...

Well howdy there people. The last week has been a bit of a challenging time for me. A few days ago i came to the decision that i was finally going to move out on my own. But when i found out that social assistance and healt care couldn't help me out with my living expense, that kinda burst that balloon. But having the last couple of days to think about it i am really happy the way things are going now. It's just that it's been a little confusing lately and i went off half cocked the other day, not really taking everything into account. But I'm feeling much better now and more confident of where I'm going to in life. The past year has been a real learning experience and I can see that looking back over my blog entries since last march. I've really come so far in such a little amount of time and to be honest it I still have so far to go.

Well I've been thinking lately, and I've decided that i need to expand my horizons and going back to college right now is imposible because of finances and red tape. So i've been looking into correspondence schools. I was origianly think of doing the elctronics course i started before going to Lawrence College, but have decided that ICS will not meet my needs. So i did some browsing and found a place called PCDI, and low and behold they also have an electronics course. The content and ciriculum go light years beyond that of the ICS program and am pretty sure i will be enrolling in the program when the forms get mailed to me. It is very afordable. And I read over the site very carefully and they provided so much more information about thier courses and staff that I am confident this will help me in my career. When you read about thier instructors being industry leaders in thier field and can see student testimonials where other correspondence schools do not do this it makes the choice clear to me. This is the school i want to teach me. And as i keep saying I am still going for my A+ certification as well. All of this combined with my current knowledge, skill, and education should help me on my way. I'm hoping to be a PC tech of somekind by the end of the year. I know it's going to be difficult at times but I know i can get there. I just have to keep clear sight of my goals and keep at it. I know i can do it. If there's anything i've learned in the last six months it's that i can achieve anything i set my mind to. For now i need to set atainable goals to which i know i can work towards, always keeping the bigger goals in mind, and always keep moving forward. This aplies to everything in my life not just my career. As long as i can see that i am always making progress of somekind I will be happy.

Well as for the book. I'm going to do some work on it when i finish this entry. Steve gave me some good ideas tonite, which i will keep in mind. Rather than continuing the actual writing of the story, I am going to do some character sumaries to help me with story developement. Also i will make notes of some of the more recent ideas i've had for the story. I will keep you guys informed of my progress.

Well thats what things have been like lately. Talk to all soon.

Reading: book of revalation
Playing: populous
Listening: helloween - better than raw
Watching: the omen boxed set
Eating: ham and pancakes, pizza pockets
Writing: beyond braxis the novel
Soon studying: A+, electronics specialist with PCDI
Wishing: that i could get back to some of my old hobbies

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Another year, another adventure

Well here we are. Welcome all to 2007. Hopefully this year will be filled with many happy moments for all. I hope that this year many of my long term goals will be met and that by the end of the year I will have the direction in my life that i have so long craved, and of course i wish the same for all of you.

Well people i guess you all know it by now but Jon D is now a daddy. Congrats to you man and kate. You guys suprised us all as much as i'm sure you suprised yourselves. It's wonderful news and I'm sure you two will do great as parents. Congrats again.

Ok well it was a great holiday season this year. It was nice to be sharing the holidays with someone for the first time. Kev, i realy enjoyed seeing you and Catherine for the hollidays. It was nice getting together with everyone as well.

Well things are going prety good for me right now. I have a lot of plans for the near future. I'm thinking of enrolling with ICS and doing an electronics correspondence course. I am still going to be working towards getting my A+ certification. I just need to sort out all the details for that stuf. Also i would like to get back into some old hobbies of mine as well as one or two new ones. Hell, I might even pick up work on the old computer game again. I realy need to set some priorities as i work towards my short term goals. As for any long term goals go i need time to figure out how current plans are going to work out. Then I'll see about things from there.

Well folks thats it for now. Talk to you all soon.