Thursday, April 26, 2007

Your stock is rising Number Two

Well ok i got some good news today. I went out to that place i was talking about a coulpe of posts ago. That employment program for people with certain empediments. And as it turns out I'm eligable for the program :) So i'm really happy about it. They are going to help me prepare well for interviews and make me more successfull at finding work. They offer a complete support system for finding work in my field. They will contact any employers i am applying with and see if they can help in that way. They will also look for work for me in my field and set up interviews. And here's the best part, they will sometimes offer employers wage subsidies to make me more marketable as a prospective employee. So hopefully this will really work out for me. They get me all set up next week. And they're going to rewrite my resume for me. So when i get my next apointment set up i will find out all the details then. Wish me luck people.

Till next time guys.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Give me a break lady!

Well last night i got this really cool version of windows. Windows xp crystal edition 2007. Got it installed today after a great struggle to figure out how to. But it was wirth the fight i must say. :) It is awesome!!! It's faster operating than xp, inernet and download speed are faster. It seems like it's more stable. As far as i can tell it's a windows mod done by the linux people. Very nice looking. Came with some really cool software. Has some neat little features like rain meter which is a transparent hud type display that shows resource usage and sytem clock and stuf, and it can be toggled on and off. It comes with internet explorer 7. Has some real cool themes which change the look of absolutely everything in windows. I'm impressed, i gotta say. I would say it will the only windows i will be using for a while.

Just wanted to let you guys know about that. Well thats it for now. Later.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Save my kittens!!

Well there was a few things i forgot to say last time. So here we go...

Well a while ago i started thinking... I was watching this show on TLC called Miami Ink and saw all the cool tattoos they were doing. I got to thinking it wouldn't be such a bad idea to have a tattoo of my own. I know it's kinda odd for me to say that since i was always aposed to getting one. But what the hell since everyones getting it done these day. I more or less know what i want done too. Here's the basic design. The main part is gonna be simple yin yang simple done in red and blue instead of black and white. And below it also in red and blue is gonna the chinese characters for the word balance. Did a rough mock up of it last nite. I think it will be prety cool.

Oh yeah i got a call from someone in that find work program and she told me my apointment for today would have to postponed till thursday 2 pm. So i'm charged up about that. I got a good feeling about this because it will be close to end of the week which is usualy when i get all of my good news. Looking forward to see how that goes.

And as you all might expect things with me and tracy are going really well. She may have a chance at a decent job when she finishes her work term, and if this proam works out for me i might have a decent job soon too. That would be awesome. She's looking forward to getting out on her own again so she have her pets in here with her. Meaning she'll be able to get own place. But that doesn't mean i'll nessassarily be moving out with her right away. I've still got alot of stuf to get before that. I want to be totally prepared when that day comes. But just the same some thought has been given to our future together so we shall see were it is all heading in the coming months. There has been some matter of fact mentioning of certain things lately but rest assured i don't intend in rushing into anything too soon. I know thats all well and fine for a guy who proposed to his girl friend after only dating for a little over three weeks. Yeah i'm nut bar i know... :P Well you guys will be the first to know if there are any devleopments in this area down the road.

About a week or so ago i started rewriting the rules for the Beyond Braxis paper and pencil rpg. I allready have a page and a half of dice rules and thats just for basic skill checks... Some additions and changes will made to this system in order to design the combat dice rules. Other dice rules have to be done as well. I'm hoping to have up to ten pages or more for the dice rules altogether. And then i can get back to writing all the cool stuf again like the race desriptions and stuf. Really looking forward to this. Also this means i will soon be starting the rewriting of the Beyond Braxis novel as well. It's a drag i have to start this all from scratch since the last time i did a format on my computer i forgot to backup all of doccuments and lost all that stuf. So there you go... I will keep you guys up on my prgress on this stuf as i get through it.

Well I guess thats all i can say here... I should do a proper update to my other blog... Games and movies and all that. Oh yeah Spike say HI! to everyone. The little fart is doing well and all that.

So that is it for me and i will catch you all on the flip side. Later.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The hook brings you back... On that you can rely...

Ok folks here we are again. I guess there's some new stuf to relay here lately.

Well friday night i decided to do something special, so that day i picked up roses for Tracy. That night when i went out to her place i gave them to her. She was surprised :) She told me it would be nice to get flowers, but since the weekend before wouldn't of been a surprise and she was expecting them later than sooner i thought i would get them this weekend past. And so i did! She was happy and it was nice to see how excited she was :)

Well the last time i was out to see my doctor he told me about this employment program that might help me out. I have an apointment to see someone tomorow at 10 am to check my eligibility, and see what they can do for me. Well i'll find out then and if it don't work I'll keep diggin...

Oh yeah that reminds me, Tracy had another interview last week for a work term and she got it. It looks like it may be a permanant position afterwards too. That would be cool. If the two of us get jobs soon things will really be looking up and then who knows...

For anyone who's been checkin' the other blog, you'd know that i've gotten Final Fantasy 12 last week. Lovin' it!

Ok well next there's my electronics course i'm doing through correspondence. I wrote my third exam a couple of weeks ago and got 90% on it which wasn't bad. But alas it's not 100... Well i was waiting for a little while to get my next school shipment and it showed up friday. So i'm happy about that. So i got a bunch of new gear and a new study guide. I wrote my fourth exam tonite and got 100% this time. I'm happy that I'm back to getting perfect scores :) Will let you guy's know how things are progressing with the course as it goes along.

Ok well Spike is doing very well. Hoping to renovate / repair his cage again in the next while.

Well if anything new happens I'll let guys know about it here. Later for now...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Death to the philistine!!!

Ok well, here we are me spike. Sitting down together me and Spiketo do a blog post. First off Spike would to say a few words: ivciiiiiiiiiii ,5fvyyj uiutt nmjfmuru4 So there you have it folks the everyday thoughts of an avreage Guinea Pig :P

But seriously folks... My next school shipment shipped on friday so that should mean i will it in about two weeks. Not confident on the US postal system through which it is shiped. Oh well. I am all ready to write my third exam and have scored 100% on the first two. Will keep you guys updated on that one. Also will be studying A+ in the mean time while waiting for the next shipment.

Damnit Spike! stop squirming while I write this post....

Ok so a few things i tried to say in the second last post but got lost in the atempt. Construction on spikes cage continues and seems to undergo one renovation after another one. Just a little bit more work and the current phase will be complete. Also considering getting another guinea down the road, but that may be more of a headache than it's worth...

Found out about a program for mental health patients that places them in jobs with a couple of company. Talked with my doctor about that today. Apparently the program is clossing down. However he did give me the number of another program that places patients in the comunity in aplicable jobs. So heres hoping that works out.

Well it was an interesting easter weekend. Just another first special ocasion spent as part of a couple. Picked the kids up on thursday. They all loved the guinea pig, especialy Grayson. That night when i got back i had to meet tracy at tol's time out lounge for kareokee and dancing. It was an interesting night. As for the rest not much to say...
Well thats the way it's been... I leave you with some pics of Tracy's pets.

Colby the dog


And Socks

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Ok... so heres what happened...

My last post was titled the way it was because Blogger ate my first two trys and the first one was a whopper. so all i wanted to do in the end was post the pics of Spike... So there ya go steve.. and btw i can't post replys on blogger for some strange reason. and original posts are kinda screwed up too...

O well... later people.

Monday, April 02, 2007