Saturday, July 29, 2006

The day draws near!

Well Steve has his wedding coming up soon so it's time to celebrate! We get together tomorownight for Steve's stag party. It will be a good bit of fun. I'm looking forward to it. We're gonna make such a mess out of Steve it won't be funny! Chuck! Don't forget the party favours! And bring lots of them! I think I will be a designated driver for the evening.

In other news Kevin Arived home on wednsday. Me, Steve, and his father met him at the airport. Since then we've went to Microplay a few times, played guitar hero, and played magic. Also wednsday night we went to the fat cat to celebrate chucks 24th birthday. It was a great time. Joe and Kevin were reunited which was nice to see.

The other nite i found a super nintendo out by the shed in a box. I brought it out to microplay for Steve to test for me. It worked! Also I got Kevin's old copy of drackahn for SNES off of him. So all I need now is a power adapter and I'm back in buisnes! I am also picking up a copy Star Trek Star Fleet Academy Bridge Simulator for the system. It should be awesome. I can't wait.

Well not a lot to say this time. So I'll be posting again soon.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Guitar Hero roxors my soxors!!!

Yeah as the title reads I finaly seriously played Guitar Hero! And it kicks major ass! It's starting to get hard now because I just got upto ace of spades. Some of the easier songs like I wanna be sedated are more fun to play. The megadeth tune in it rocks!

Well by the end of the week I will have some resumes out and will be actively looking fo9r work. I'm gonna mainly try computer stores and department stores. I will be staying away from fast food places, except for sandwich shops. Oh and I will be trying convience stores as well.

I'm still working on my A+, studying for the exams. I hope to be ready for the exams by late september and hopefuly have the money to pay for it. I would like to be into a computer technician job by Christmas. That would be good. Ultimately I would like to land a government job. Ah well... All in good time.

Well i guess we will all be getting together soon for Steve's stag party. I'm looking forward to it. Oh and chuck be sure to bring lots of party favours! Haha!

Recently I've been working on a paper and pen rpg called Beyond Braxis, which is a space sci-fi rpg. It's coming along ok so far. Leave a reply here if you're interested in it.

Playing: Guitar Hero
Listening to: Helloween - Better Than raw, The Tea Party - Edges of twighlight
Reading A+ certification guide
Watching: Starwars episode 3

Well its been a short one this time. So long for now.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Still going... still going...

Well I never said a lot on my last post about whats going on with me lately. So here we go...

The anxiety is pretty much done and over with now. Tomorow will mark eight weeks since the last attack. The doctor said I can start looking for work anytime now. Though he gave me some advice for looking for work: no shift work, part time only, and stay away from busy or crowded environments. I should be ready to start looking again in a week or two. I don't plan on rushing it.

I've been pretty busy lately with the kids. They are doing fine. I think they are going home in a week or so. My eldest niece Robyn has taken a liking to some of my music, particularly The Tea Party. :)

I haven't been doing a great deal of much lately. I did how ever pick up Dragon Quest 8 the other day. I never made much progress at it though. I also started reading through my A+ certification guide again. All I need to do is a bit more study, save up enough money and I'll be ready to write my A+ exams.

Last night I had a real good talk with a good friend of mine and managed to figure out a lot of stuf that has been on my mind for the past while. Thanks Steve.

Tonight me, mom, and Robyn went out to Signal Hill. Me and Robyn went for a short walk and had a bit of a look around. On the way home we drove through downtown and saw some of the sights.

Listening to: The Tea Party, Edges of Twighlight
Reading: A+ certification guide
Playing: Dragon Quest 8

Well thats all for now folks.

Monday, July 17, 2006


Lately things have been going well for the most part. The anxiety is coming along really good. It's been over 7 weeks since my last attack. The girls will probably be leaving soon.

Over the last little while I've had some arguements with my mother. I mentioned moving out in the next few years to her and she was not impressed. I wouldn't mind but I've always talked about moving out at some point or another. I'm 31 now and I'm finaly getting my life sorted out. I'm ready for some responsibility now. Something I'm never going to learn living here for the rest of my life. It doesn't matter what I want. It's all about her wants and needs. I'm finaly ready to do things for myself. I don't need help anymore. It's not fair that I should have to sacrifice my indendance for any longer when i'm ready to move on. There's just no reasoning with her. I will do as I please from now on.

Well not a lot to right now. Thats all for now.

Friday, July 07, 2006

I hate my cousin.

Well people, it's been a long time since last I posted here, and I've got a lot to say. I'm not really sure where to start.

I guess i'll start with this... My three nieces have been staying with us now for the last three weeks. It's been going ok i guess. They fight alot... But other than that they've been pretty good. Alysha the youngest has been exceptionaly well behaved, except for a few saucy outbursts. Katie and Robyn won't leave me alone. It's hard to find a peacefull moment in which to play video games other than when I'm suposed to be sleeping. Alysha will be leaving in a few days to spend some time with her godmother who is getting maried soon. Alysha will be the flower girl. Things are quiet here right now as the eldest niece is at a friends place. She is the one who makes the most noise. They will all be leaving at the end of this month.

Well moving on... Last week i went to a bar show with some friends. It was awesome! Sheavy headlined. Some band called insidium opened. They were pretty cool. I had a chance to talk with a couple of the members from that band, and they seemed nice enough. I was also talking to a guy from calgary who came here on vacation. We had a nice chat. At one point during the evening I went out for a smoke. If you think the inside of bars get crowded then you should've seen the outside of this place! You couldn't move! It's like i said to my friend when i came back in; "aside from filling my lungs with tar, i can't breath out there!" It was around then that i got really nervous. I thought i was about to have a panic attack. So I stared at the floor, and took a few deep breaths and I was fine. I was with friends so everything was cool. Plus I got to meet some new people, so it was a good time.

The anxiety has been coming along really good in the past weeks. As of this sunday it will have been six weeks since my last anxiety attack. The new meds have been working really well. I see my doctor again in about two weeks.

A couple of weeks ago i cut my forehead. It was a real bad gash. I saw the doctor and he gave me a tetnas shot and some antibiotic steroid cream to put on it. I must say it's healing up nicely.

Getting to the title of the post... I saw my cousin tonite for the first time in years... I do not know this person anymore... He was always jaded, but this was the worst I've seen him. It seems he's got a grudge against against the whole world. He said some bullshit story about how he had to leave college. He complained about how he couldn't find any work and so on and so on. I really didn't want to hear about it. When ever i said anything about myself it turned into something about him. He's the most self centered egotistical bastard I've ever met... When I first saw him coming in my direction I thought "it's been too long" but when he left i thought "it hsan't been long enough."

Over the last few weeks me and my friends have been getting together on sundays to play Dungeons and Dragons. It's been going really well. It's a lot of fun. It's great to be playing old character again. He's a lawfull good dwarven cleric.

Well I had an interesting dream last night. Why interesting you ask? It was interesting because it was the first normal dream I've had in years. I dreamt that I was going to university again and that i met this really cool chick. I also made friends with this guy fresh out of high school. I think it's a good sign that my life is finally getting back to normal.

I'm going to be apllying for work over the next week. Then once I get enough money saved up I'm going write my A+ certification exams.

Well thats it for me for now. Till next time.

Listening to: Tea party - Alhambra, Faith no more - Angel dust
Watching: Star Wars episode three, Sky Blue
Reading: Dragon Warior 8 walk-thru
Playing: Dragon Warior 8, Fire Emblem