Monday, October 09, 2006

through the valley of the damned...

Well it's been a while since i posted here, and I've got a good reason for not being here in a while. I really prefer not to go into it. But if you don't know about it already you will soon.

Things with me and Tracy are going pretty well. I was talking to her a little earlier and have to call when i'm finished with this post.

I'm in the midle of getting myself a new wardrobe. So i guess you could say some it is a new look for me but it's not that diferent for me.

Well I'm hoping to return to work in the next while or so.

Also Steve I have to pick up the new Final Fantasy game.

Well sorry folks but I don't have time a longer post. So i'll see you all soon.


SteveTP said...

it is majestic and magical - i'm over 5 hours in now.

kevin said...

good to see you posting again mang! woo hoo!

new final fantasy? i am so out of the gaming loop...