Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Stranger than fiction

Howdy people. Here I am again.

Had my next apointment with the employment centre today since i had my "real" intake assesment. Finally learned all about the program today and now have the whole picture on the deal now. And I've got to say it sounds really awesome! I'm extremely impressed. While its called an employment program, what it really is, is a career developement program. The aim is not nesasarily to get me into a job in my field right away but to get me what ever experience i can use to gradualy get me closer to my career goals. Eventually i may even end up with in field related work. The program is layered in a gradual step by step process that will inch me closer to my true goals. Man who knows? in a year i could be selling computers, and in a year after that I could be fixin 'em and stuf. That would be awesome! Well it might not be that quick, but we'll see. I'm hoping to be far enough in the program by the end of the summer to start applying for work which means it will coincide with when all the college students go back to school. I'm excited but trying to stay grounded as well. So we will have to see how it goes.

Me and Tracy are doing awesome right now. Things seem to be moving along well with us right now.

I hope you guys are all doing awesome too. Talk with you all soon.

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